Bree and Peter - Mexico destination wedding photography

Bree and Peter - Mexico destination wedding photography

Anyone planning a destination wedding?  Can I invite myself?  Bree and Peter and their friends and family met up at the El Dorado Royale for a long weekend of Mexican sun, sea and drinks served in hollowed out pineapples (!!!).  Even if pineapple drinks aren't on the table, this is probably the way to do it.  Everyone has already had a bit of vacation and a few drinks/swims by the time the wedding comes around so there are very few nerves or possible frustrations. The result?  You get a laid-back, tropical, pool-jumping party.

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Kirsten and Zack - William Allen Farm Maine Wedding Photography

Kirsten and Zack - William Allen Farm Maine Wedding Photography

An Allman Brothers cover band-slash-jam-band, one orange farm cat, the brightest most beautiful blooms and two people head over heels happy to get married. It's not part of a great joke (only because I can't think of an appropriate setup?) it was Kirsten and Zack's amazing wedding, a day where everyone attending and working was giddy!

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Provence isn't really one of those destinations that you need to convince people is beautiful and worth visiting, so I'll spare you all that and fill you in on some fun things we did and answer some of my own questions I had before leaving.  There are lots of things I just couldn't find out about - a combination of me trying to over-prepare in case my french failed us (a very likely scenario!) and a lack of websites and information online (so french). 

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Alia and Ryan - Ogunquit Maine Wedding at the Cliff House

Alia and Ryan - Ogunquit Maine Wedding at the Cliff House

I’m always thinking that since I grew up in Maine I never really got to spend too much time on the coast because there was always a lake or pond to jump in so the Mainer mentality is why bother driving to the ocean?  This is why you bother!  Alia and Ryan took over the Cliff House in Ogunquit for their wedding, filling the ballroom with flowers and their contagious joy.

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Vieques. A place you have either never heard of or one you are eagerly planning to return to. The perfect destination for one of my favorite types of travel.  The kind where you drive aimlessly and stop and explore.  In this case, beaches with no one else there, narrow jungle roads, and small towns.  It is not the ideal vacation location for people who need to be entertained.  But if sunrises, jungles, surprisingly great food, and an occasional (ok, one) termite swarm are your thing, then you'll be in heaven.

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Emily and Chris - Portsmouth Wedding at Wentworth by the Sea

I had never really considered New Hampshire as a possible location for glamour until Emily and Chris (aka the young Kennedy lookalikes) showed me the way.  Having known each other since high school, there was no division between sides of families or whose friend is whose.  They even went to prom together and looked the same then.  Hi, I want your genes.

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With a good chunk of the day before Elina and Dan's rehearsal dinner, it was time to hit the ground running once we landed in Nashville - or rather, start shoveling hot chicken into our faces.  It went:  coffee, hot chicken, ice cream, flower truck, repeat foods.  Which, if this needs clarification, is my ultimate trip pattern.

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