When I left Boston the morning of Kristen and Travis's wedding, the weather forecast was a series of scary looking clouds and lightning bolts. Somewhere along 95 on the way to Rhode Island the sun emojis changed their attitudes, and by the time I pulled up to the Dunes Club I parked, squinted outside in the sun, checked the weather again and saw the suns wearing sunglasses. I'll take it! The remnants of the hurricane (HUGE waves) provided some pre-wedding relaxation (probably not the right word) for the body-surfing groomsmen. Further signs I'm getting old include me biting my nails watching them, fretting that this probably wasn't safe. From the surf break to the weight room, the guys got ready on one side of the Dunes Club while the ladies had a awesomely preppy- Palm Beach-esque suite. It's never fair, guys, but when life hands you a gym to get ready in, you go with it!
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