When we first suggested to L and K that they join us for a week in Europe, I never though they would agree - let alone let me plan everything - I mean, how could people not want to do that? Not sarcasm!!
Dan and I landed in London early, because I may have insisted that we spend as much time as possible in the city, and despite our cocktails of NyQuil and wine, neither of us really got in too much sleep.

So we hit the ground in London looking for caffeination. And found it.

L and K's flight landed later, so I had plenty of time to drive Dan out of his mind with my constant pacing and hyperactive question asking while we waited - the real time updates of tube tickets from L fueling my crazy.

We stayed in an amazing apartment on a mews through Airbnb as the base for our London adventures, which could be boiled down to two activities, walking and eating. I just love London, I couldn't miss another opportunity to visit after Dan and my too-short layover there on our way to Cape Town, and I hated to leave, but after a couple of days, we were off to Paris!
After a pre-Eurostar cocktail we rushed onto our train, and I, still hyper, was ready to spend the train ride bugging my companions. Then Dan said he wasn't feeling great, L announced she had to put on her eye mask and sleep or else she would throw up, and K started reading some book that I wouldn't even pretend to have read to impress someone. So, luckily the countryside was a good enough travel buddy.

We managed to avoid all of the major landmarks by quite a wide margin, wanting only to walk around and explore each city with starred google maps on our phones, walking from eating spot to eating spot.

5 days, and 52+ miles walked, we couldn't wait to be back to our animals, but wow, I can't wait to get back.